Affirmations, Guided Visualisation and Spiritual Coaching.
The Wonder of ESSTA
Tap your card on our app to instantly start meditation
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Leave your card somewhere to trigger regular use
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Setup a Routine to listen to hypnotic affirmations while you sleep
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Join live workshops to help support your goals
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Unique Christian Gift - Christian Meditations, Affirmations & Proverbs
Discover a unique Christian gift that helps to deepen faith and connect with God - studio quality recordings of Christian meditations, uplifting affirmations and inspiring proverbs, all presented on beautiful cards. Bring yourself closer to the divine, and never lose faith again with this special present for a loved one.
Reading scripture on a regular and consistent basis has several benefits. In our Christian escape set, we include four beautiful pre loaded cards. Tap a card on your phone to initiate your Christian escape.
Each card is filled with extracts from scripture and set to music written to help reduce your heart rate, reduce anxiety and fall into God.